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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/276

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“Chi la pace non vuol la guerra s’abbia.”

Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata, II., 88.

“Who wills not peace, let war his portion be.”

“(Che) chi lascia avvantaggi al sue nimico,
Non guarda con dritt’ occhio à la vittoria.”

Trissino. L’Italia Liherata da’ Goti, Lib. XX. [Ed. Parigiy 1729, Vol. III., p. 45.)

“Who the advantage with his foe doth leave,
Looks not with steadfast gaze towards victory.”

“Chi leone h ne’ detti
Spesso h lepre ne’ fatti.”

Goldoni. La Pelarina, Part III., Sc. I.—(Volpiciona.)

“Who is a lion in his words
Is ofttimes in his deeds a hare.”

“Chi lo dice non lo fa.”
Title of a play by Paolo Ferrari.—(Of suicide.)
“Who speaks of it, commits it not.”

“Chi mal opra, male al fine aspetta."’

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, XXXVII., 106.

“Who deals in wrong shall just return receive."— (éooZe.)

“Chi mal si marita non esce mai di fatica.”

Firenzuola. I Lucidi, Act III., Sc. V.—(Fiametta.)

“He who makes a bad marriage never escapes from his troubles.”

“Chi mal ti vuol, mal ti sogna.”
Boccaccio. Decameron, Giornata IX., Novella VII.
“Who loves you not, has no thought for you.”

“(Che) chi manca di fede e perde quella,
Perder altro non può ch’ abbia di meglio.”

Trissino. L’ Italia, Liberata da’ Goti, Lib. XXV. (Ed. Parigi,. 1729, Vol. III., p. 300.)

“For he who, breaking faith, doth honour lose,
Loseth the fairest thing of all he hath.”

“(E) chi meglio se regge e pin signore,
E saggio più chi più a Dio s’appone,
E rico piié chi più schifa riccore.”
GuiTTONE d’Arezzo. Sonetti, CXVL
“Who best doth rule himself is highest lord,
And wisest he who most in God doth trust,
And wealthiest he by whom is wealth abhorred.”

“(Non so io indovinare donde cid proceda che) chi meno sa, più ragioni.

Casa. Galateo. (Opere, Milano, 1806 , Vol. I., p. 232.)

“I cannot divine how it happens that the man who knows the least is the
most argumentative.”