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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/277

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“Chi molto in somma sa, sa star quieto.”
Fagiuoli. Capitolo III.—" L’Autore al suo Figliuolo.”

“He who knows much, knows how to hold his peace.”

“Chi muta lato, disse, muta fato.”
Brunetto Latini. Pataffio, Cap. X.
“With change of scene, said he, you change your fate.”

“Chi nasce cattivo non ne guarisce.”

Sacchetti. Novella CLIII.

“He who is born bad will never be cured.”

“Chi nasce smemorato e gozzuto non ne guarisce mai.”

Sacchetti. Novella CLXXIII.

“He who is born with a weak intellect and a goitre can never be cured.”

“Chi nasce matte non guarisce mai.”

Goldoni. Arcifanfano, Act III., Sc. IV.—(Madama Garhata.)

“Whoso is born a fool can ne’er be cured.”

“Chi nasce in questo mondo sanza ventura, o non ha mai
Cosa che brami, o che gli vien cotanto amaro avcndola,
Ch’ il gusto ne diviene altro di quel che soleva essere.”

Alamanni. La Flora, Act IV., Sc. VIII.—(Ippolito.)

“Whoso is born into the world unfortunate, or ne’er obtains
The thing he asks, or with possession comes to him such bitterness,
That in it he shall seek in vain the savour others find therein.”

“Chi nasce senza logica non avrk mai logica in vita sua.”

Baretti. La Frusta Letteraria, Vol. II., p. 128. (Ed. Milan, 1838.)

“He who is born without logic will never in his life be logical.”

“(Che) chi nell’ acqua sta fin à la gola,
Ben e ostinato se merce non grida.”

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, I., 50.

“For who, when circling waters round him spread,
And menace present death, demands not aid?"—(Hoole.)

“Chi nella pelle d’un monton fasciasse
Un lupo, e fra le peeore mettesse;
Dimmi, ere’ tu, per che monton paresse,
Ch’ egli pero le peeore salvasse?”

Dante. Epigrammaé

“If one should clothe a wolf in skin of sheep,
And let him loose to run amongst the rest,
Tell me, dost think, because as sheep he ’s drest,
That therefore he the flock will safely keep?”

“(Che) chi non ama l’ossa non amava.”

Rucellai. L’Oreste, Act IV.— (Coro.)

“Who loveth not the dead, loved them not living.”