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Page:Harbottle - Dictionary of quotations French and Italian, 1904.djvu/372

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“(Che) morte ogni odio, ogni cosa discioglie.”

Pulci. Morgante Maggiore, XXVIL, 280.

“Death every hatred, every tie dissolves.”

“Muojono le citta, muojonc i regni;
Copre i fasti e le pompe arena ed erba;
E ruom d’esser mortal par che si sdegni.”

Tasso. Gerusalemme Liberata, XV., 20.

“Death is the lot of cities and of States;
Pomp, luxury, ’neath sand and grass do lie,
Yet man, it seems, is wroth that he must die.”

“Muor Giove e l’inno del poeta resta.”

Carducci. Rime Nuove, II., XV.—" Dante."

“Jove dies, the poet’s hymn survives.”

“Muova lento a formar passi
Uom, s’ e saggio,
La ’ve 'l senso a gir conforta.”

Chiabrera. Canzonette Morali, II.

“Slow to take steps a man should be,
If he be wise,
When ’tis his feelings point the path.”

“Mutar vicende e voglie
D’instabil fortuna e stabil arte.”

Testi. A Raimondo Montecuccoli.

“In changing moods and fancies lies
Unstable fortune’s only stable art.”

“Nata ed elevata io in grembo
Di nascente tirannide, i sostegni
Io ne so tutti. A mille, a mille i servi
Tu troverai, nel lor parlar feroci,
Vili ad oprar, nulli al periglio; adatti
Solo a tradirti.”

Alfieri. La Congiura de’ Pazzi, Act I., Sc. III.—(Bianca.)

“In the bosom born and bred
Of new born tyranny, full well I know
The props whereon it leans; a thousand slaves
Thou’ It find, in speech with courage brimming o’er,
In action worthless, and in perilous times
Mere cyphers, only skilled in treachery.”
Natura, d’ogni cosa più possente.”

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, XXV., 37.

“Nature whose laws must every power restrain.*’—(Hoole.)
È de la lepre aver sempre paura.”

Ariosto. Orlando Furioso, XX., 91.

“Nature forms the dastard hare to fear."—(Hoole.)