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Page:Mallarmé - Œuvres complètes, 1951.djvu/1152

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5. Chose a wife, rather by your ear tlian by your eye. 6. A growing youth has a wolf in his belly. 8. — Article indéfini. 1. Green woods make a hot lire. 2. I’overty on an old man’s back is a heavy burthen. He is like <1 hog, never good when living. You bave a handsome head of hair ; piay give me a tester. A handsome hostess is bad for the purse. An old man in a house is a good sign. As fond of........................... Wisdom prefers an unjust peace to a just war. As busy as a hen with one chick. g. — Article indéfini. It is hard for an empty bag to set upright. Who can shave an egg ? Insolence puts an end to friendship. One may understand like an angel, and yet be a devil. To eut down an oak and set up a strawberry. To hâve an oar in every man’s boat. Undone, as a man would undo an oyster. You ask an elm tree for pears. You cannot hide an eel in a sack. You shall ride an inch behind the tail. cô 4" Acd Aco c', 6 - ci cô 4- inid Aco Ad « ci cd A udcd 10. — Article indéfini. You are an honest man, and I am your uncle : and that is two lies. Land never was lost for want of an heir. It chances in an hour, that does not corne in seven years. He that lives a knave will hardly die an honest man. An hour may destroy what an âge was building. An honest and diligent servant is an humble friend. 7. An answer is a word. 8. An apple, an egg, and a nut, you may eat after a slut. g. An idle brain is the devil’s workshop. 10. Everything has an end and a pudding has two. 11. — Article indéfini. 1. A pin a day is a groat for a year. 2. Life without a friend is death without a witness.