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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/431

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The Old Bachelor, 145.
Old Ironsidea, 284.
Oldinixon, 7t>.
Old Onktn lUicket, 1(59.
The Old liciiime in Canada, 380.
Oldschool (Oliver), Wl.
Oldtoivn Folks, 348.
One-lloas Shay, 286.
Oomoo, 2tj3.
The Grêlon Trail, 383.
O" Reillv (John Bovlc), 3 :.l.
OrUndô, 149.
Ormond, l’il.
Orpheus C. Kerr », 361.
Orphie Sai/intfs. 210.
Osl)oi’n (John), t>3.
Olis (James), ’Jl, 98, 134.
Our Hundred Days m Europe, 28"
Our Old Home, 236.
Our village, 394.
Outre-mer, 2(38, 271.
Oi’cr the Tea-Cups, 287.
Owen (Roheit Dale), 203, 393.


Paine (Robert Treat), 135, 136, 182.
Paine (Thomas), 104, 105, 106, lOS, 136.
Palfrey (John Graham), 376.
l’apers on Lite rature and Art, 212.
Paradis, 311.
Parentator, 49, 51, 52.
Park (Benjamin), 380.
Parker (Théodore), 194,203, 207, 21(1.
Parkman, Rév. Francis, 155, 197, 372, 383, 384. 385, 386.
Parnassus, 217.
Parr (Dr.), 388.
Parsons (William), 310.
The Partisan Leader, 187, 262.
Partridge, 63.
Party Leaders, 304.
Thc’Pasl, 179.
The /’ath/inder, 158, 166.
The Pairiot Chief, 132.
Paulding (James Kirk), l.iO, 179, 258, 358.
Paul licvere, 27’i.
Payne John Howard), I5’t. 179.
Penbody (Dr. Nathaniol), 2()1.
Peabodv (Miss Sophia), 233.
The l’e'arl ofOrrs Island, 347.
Pencillin^s by the yay, ’M)~ , 315.
Penhallo’w, ’78.
Penn (Willinni), 45, 88.
Pennsyli’ania Freeman, 278.
Pennsi/hania Magazine, 104,
l’opys, 7. !.
Percival (James Gate), 185, 186,266.
Percy (George), 4.
Perkins, 133.
Personal Poents, 281.
Pestalozzi, 205.
Peter l’oreu/iine, 131.
Peter Rugg, 172.
Peters (Rév. Samuel), 123.
Philander Dœsticks », 365.
Phillips (Wendcll), 289, 396, 400, 401, ., 264.
PhilosDjihic Soli’ude, 66.
Philolhea, 172.
Phd-nixiana. 367.
Pickei-ing (Timothy), 142.
Pickwick, 365.
Picture o/St John, 318.
The Picture o/Wen’ J’orA, 151.
Pictures front Appleadore, 396.
Pierce (Franklin), 231, 235, 236 237, 329.
Pierpont (John), 186, 266.
Pietas et Gratuhttio, 65.
Pike (.lbert), 310.
The Pilot, 162, 163.
Pinknoy (Edward Coate), 188.
The Piôneers, ICI, 292, 385.
The Pirate, 161.
Platon, 202.
Pleasures ofllope, 176.
Poe (Edgar), 2, 168, 170. 181, 187 188, 229, 230, 239, 240, 242, 243
244, 2’i5, 24C., 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 2.56, 257
258, 260, 261, 265, 266, 270, 299 303, 309, 310, 352, 369, 388.
Poems, 2^i5, 292, 293.
Poems, Dramatic and Miseellaneous. 134.
Poems of Nature, 280.
Poems of the Orient, 316.
Poems on Slaveri/, 271.
Poems Subjective and lieminiseent 282.
The Poel al the lirealifasl Table, mi.
Poetical Works, 288.
Poets ami l’oelry of America, 265
PoeCs Journal, 318.
PocU and Poctry, 308.
Poets of America, 265.
The Poets and Poetry of Europe, 271,
The Pulitieal Caleehism, 110.