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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/432

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Polilical Efsays, 302.
Pomfret (John), 66.
Pope, 66, 68, 176.
Porteus, 1"6.
Portfolio, 137, 142, 143.
Pory (John), 22.
Potip/iar Papeis, 395.
The Prairie, 165.
Précaution, 159.
Prentice (George D.), 365.
Prentiss S. S., 390.
PrescoU (William), 372, 377, 378, 379, 381, 382, 383, 385, 386.
Présent State of Virginia, 76.
Preston (Mrs. Margaret), 321.
Presidentiad, 329.
Prettij Story, 104, 110, 150.
Price (Dr.). 120.
Priestley, 92.
Prince heucalion, 319.
Prince (Miss Elizabeth Oakes), 360.
Prince (Thomas), 29, 71, 78._
The Prince of Parthia, 36, 67.
The Professor at the Breakfast
Prometheus, 185.
Proud I Robert), 140.
A Progrcss to the Mines, 74.
The Prophet, 318.
Prue and I, 342, 395.
Psalm Book, 78.
Psalm of Life, 270.
Public Occurrences, 87.
Purchas, 51.
Purgatoire, 311.
Putnam’s Magazine, 296, 395.


Quarles, 15. 19.
Queechv, 341.
Queries of Ilighest Considération, 46.
Quincev (De), 191.
Quincy (Edmund). 299.
Quincy (Adams John), 142, 387.


Ralph (James’), 66, 67.
Ramsav (D’ David), 1 .5.
Randall, 321.
Randolph (John), 33, 145, 148, 187, 387, 399.
Raien, 247.
Read (Thomas Buchanan), 314, 321, 322.
The Rebels, 172.
RecoUections of a Lifetime, 175.
RecollecUons of Ten Years, 188.
The Red Rover, 162, 165.
The Reilskins, 167.
Reed (Henrv), 389.
Reid, 99.
Remarkable Providences, 49.
Rcfiresciiialivc Men, 261.
Rêveries of a Dachelor, 341.
Revue des Deux Mondes, 201.
Ricardo, 392.
Rich (Richard), 11, 12.
Richardson, 138.
Rip Van Winkle, 153, 173.
Ripley, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207.
The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 380.
Rilteiihouse, 130.
Rivington, 112.
Roanoke (Randolph de), 143.
Robertson, 379.
Rogers. 236.
Rollo Books, 174.
Roscoe, 388.
Rousseau, 299.
Rowlandson (Mrs. Mary), 34.
Rowson (Susanna), 133, 134, 138.
liudiments of Latin Prosody, 97.
Les Ruines, 120.
Rupert, 47.
Rush (D’), 131, 132, 144, 151.
Ruskin, 236.
Russell (James), 290.
Russel’s Magazine, 324.
Ryan (Abraham J.), 321.


St John de Crevecœur (J. Hector), 125, 126.
Salmagundi, 1.50, 151, 180.
Sand (George). 349.
Sands (Robert C), 178, 181, 358, 369.
Sandys (George), U, 12.
Sargènt (Epes), 309.
Sartor rcsartiis, !il5.
Satanstoe, 167.
Sawin (B.), 293.
Saxe (John Godfrey), 366.
Scarborough, 60.
Scarlet Lettvr, S, 229, 234, 235, 239, 240, 241.