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Page:Trent - Litterature americaine.djvu/433

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Schelling, 200.
Schleiermacher, 200.
Schurz (Carl), 99.
Schoolcraft (Henry R.), 189.
Schillaber (Benjamin Penhallow), 365, 366, 368.
Scott (Walter), 152, 156, 160, 161, 168, 171, 230, 254, 255, 276, 280, 358.
Scribner’s Monthly, 323.
Seabury (Samuel), 100, 101, 102, 104.
The Seaside and the Fireside, 272.
Seccomb (John), 61.
Sedgwick (Miss Catherine Maria), 171.
The Selling of Joseph, 72.
To Seneca Lake, 186.
Septimius Felton, 237.
Sewall (Samuel), 58, 71, 72, 73.
Seward (Miss), 133, 396.
Seymour (Sir Edward), 25.
Shakespeare, 4, 137, 143, 178, 184, 276, 321, 327, 339, 383, 403.
Shakespeare’s Scholar, 390.
Shaw (Henry Wheeler), 367, 368.
Shaw (Robert G.), 298.
Shelley. 186, 253, 254, 319.
Shepai-d (Rev. Thomas), 17.
Sheridan (D’). 61.
The SliifjiKTeck, 65.
Sigourney (Mrs), 184, 185, 2f,6.
Silliman (Benjamin), 189.
Simple Cobbler of A^Oivam, l’i, 47, 356.
A Simple Talc, 181.
Simms (William Gilmore), 261, 262, 324, 340, 369. 389.
Sketch Bouh, 153, 154, 35S.
Skelches, 145.
The Slave, 376.
Slender (Roberl). 113.
The Slint^sbtf l’apers, 307.
Smart ((.’hristopher), IVJ.
Smith (Adam), 92.
Smith (Charles Henry), 361.
Smith (D’ Elihu H.), 141.
Smith (Samuel F.), 283.
Smith (Seba). 360.
Smith (Sidnev). 170.
Smith (William), 101.
SmoUett, 139.
Smyth (A. H), 319.
Snoiv-Buund, 276, 278, 282.
The Snoii’ Ima^e, 235,
Society and Solitude, 217.
Some Considérations, 124.
Song of Mai ion’s Mm, 179.
.^on^fs for Sational Airs, 186.
Sonffs in Many Aeys, 286.
Sangs of Labour and lieform, 280.
Sonfis of the Sea, 309.
The Sot-Weed l’actor, 357.
The Soui’s Implanlalion, 41.
The SouVs location, 41.
The Southern Lilerary Messenger, 246.
The Southern Quarterly /JectViv, 189, 262.
Southey, 126, 176, 184.
Southwell (Sir Robert), 74.
The Soi’creignty and Goodness of God, 34.
Spanish Papers, 156.
The Spanish Student, 271.
Sparks (Rév. Jared), 189, 198, 373.
The Sparrowgrass Papers, 365.
Spécimens, 175.
Spécimen Days, 331, 333, 334.
Spécimens of American Poetry, 174.
Spécimens of Modem Standard Literature, 201.
Speed (James), 332.
Spotswood, 57, 75.
Sprague (Charles), 183.
The Spy, 156, 158, 159, 160, 163, 169, 170.
The Squibob Papers, 367.
Staël (Mme de), 387.
Standard, 292, 293.
Standish, 7.
Stansbury (Joseph), 109.
The Star-Spangted Banner, 187.
Stedman (Edmund Clarcnce), 314.
Sterne, 73, 79, l.")2, 359.
Stephens (Alexander H.), 396.
Sternhold, 13.
Stevenson (Robert Louis), 263.
Stiles (Ezra), IIS.
Stith (Rév. William), 77. 78.
Sloddard (Richard Henry), 314.
Stone (Samuel), 13.
Slorrs (Charles P.), 281.
Slowe (Mrs.), 279, 289, 312. 313, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348.
Stowe (Rév. Calvin E.), 34’i, 3’i5i
Strarhey (William), 4.
Struggles, 362.
Stuart (Gilbert), 130.