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Sujet sur Discussion utilisateur:Hsarrazin

Alexis Jazz (discussioncontributions)

Hsarrazin, @Asclepias, your interpretation is correct, that's exactly why it was written that way. Allow import of files that were already GFDL but prevent GFDL from being used for entirely new works. Note that files uploaded before August 1, 2009 are often eligible for relicensing.

Alexis Jazz (discussioncontributions)
MGA73 (discussioncontributions)
Alexis Jazz (discussioncontributions)
MGA73 (discussioncontributions)

Thank you. Yes all the files are very welcome on Commons because they were uploaded before 2018 (provided the original text is out of copyright.).

If it is easier I think it is okay to make mw:Extension:FileImporter/Data/fr.wikisource less restrictive and fix the problems after transfer to Commons.

Hsarrazin (discussioncontributions)

That's me that made this file restrictive, to have a notification on potential problems... ;)

As I import files by batch (all illustrations from a same book, etc.), it is easier for me to prepare all data before transfering to Commons, than have to react in emergency because a bot or an admin thinks I have imported something that I shouldn't have... :)

As a librarian, I'm quite well informed about PD templates and conditions, but Licences (CC and GFDL) are much more complicated for me... -> that's why I prefer to ask question before doing a bad move...

MGA73 (discussioncontributions)

It sounds like a good idea then because then you get a warning during import. :-)

Hsarrazin (discussioncontributions)

that's exactly it ! :)

easier to go back to file and fix the missing part in description/license, than have to manage the problem afterwards (or get the file erased without noticing in X days/months)

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